The School Council is a means by which parents and members of the community can be involved in key decisions about the education of our students. The council works hand in hand with school administration to ensure our school is the best that it can be. École John Wilson School Council will have 7 meetings this year. Until further notice, meetings will be a combination of Google Meets and in person meetings. If you are interested in attending, please call the office to get the meeting code. (403-227-3292) All family members of ÉJWES students are welcome to join.
Melissa Dudley
Vice President
Tania Morrison
Meeting dates for the 2023-2024
School Council Mission Statement
To develop and support effective communication and harmony among parents, teachers, and the community for the education of our children in a safe and secure environment.
School Council Vision Statement
Our School Council is a caring progressive facilitator of learners that welcomes change and cooperates with the community to educate and prepare our children with the skills that they will need to make a positive contribution to society.
B-believing in our students
D-developing community